The Four Types of MSP Leaders: Which One R U?
I hear so much talk about being a leader in an MSP, but did you know that there are actually a number of different kinds of leaders? It’s crucial that you know which type of leader you are because each one requires specific responsibilities for your MSP to run smoothly. I want to share with you all four types of leaders because I believe it’s very important for your success as an owner and that of your organization overall.
These four types are identified by Dave Cava, a business coach with Encore Strategic Consulting, in a “Sunny’s Silver Linings” podcast. A former owner of a $10 million MSP himself, Dave outlined these leadership types as:
The Player Coach – Are you immersed in the day-to-day tech work while you’re also leading the team? If so, then this is you. This type of leader is often found in smaller MSPs where owners must roll up their sleeves and do the work while coaching the team. If you are in a small-size MSP, in this role you may not have time to focus on strategy, making that a blindspot for you as an owner. Solution: Hire someone to replace you as The Player Coach, opening up time for you to focus on strategy.
The Foremen/Foreperson – Akin to a foreman on a construction site, this leader walks around and is continually inspecting to make certain that everyone is doing their job. Yes, this individual is also immersed in the day-to-day tasks, but isn’t actually doing the work. If this is you, then you must also make sure that the business stays on strategy. One warning: A good Player Coach doesn’t make a good Foreman/Foreperson, so if you identify as a Player Coach leader, then don’t try to be a Foreman/Foreperson as well.
The General – This leader is front and center and very strategic. They see what is coming down the road in the industry and develops a plan for the business to follow. If this is you, then you must be responsible for “the big picture” and create a plan for your MSP to fit that vision – but it must also be a plan that is executable (realistic!) for your team and the available resources. Warning: This is a full-time gig, so don’t try to be a Player Coach or Foreman/Foreperson while being The General. The ending won’t be pretty!
The Technical Mentor – This individual has no one reporting to them nor do they have the power to fire and/or hire other team members. If you know the right way to run the company, possess a strong proficiency in the technologies and processes being used on site, and you want to see everyone around you succeed, then this is your leadership type. This role is akin to being the point guard on a basketball team. You make everyone around you better and you don’t hold up your nose to those beneath you.
So which one are you? Once you recognize yourself, then you’ll be a stronger leader by “staying in your lane” and tending to only the responsibilities according to your type.
Click here to listen to the full podcast.